Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven,
have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, the eternal Wisdom,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, conversing with men,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, hated by the world,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, sold for thirty pieces of silver,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, prostrate in prayer,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, strengthened by an angel,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, agonizing in a bloody sweat,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, betrayed by Judas with a kiss,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, bound by the soldiers,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, forsaken by your disciples,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, before Annas and Caiaphas,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, struck by a servant on the face,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, accused by false witnesses,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, declared worthy of death,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, spit upon in the face,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, blindfolded,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, smitten on the cheek,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, thrice denied by Peter,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, delivered up to Pilate,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, despised and mocked by Herod,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, clothed in a white garment,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, rejected for Barabbas,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, torn by sources,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, bruised for our sins,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, regarded as a leper,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, covered with a purple robe,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, crowned with thorns,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, struck with a reed,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, demanded for crucifixion,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, condemned to death,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, given up to your enemies,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, laden with the Cross,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, led as a lamb to the slaughter,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, stripped of your garmenets,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, fastened with nails to the Cross,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, wounded for our iniquities,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, praying for your murderers,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, reputed with the wicked,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, blasphemed on the Cross,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, reviled by the malefactor,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, giving Paradise to the thief,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, commending Saint John to your Mother as her son,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, forsaken by your Father,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, given fall and vinegar to drink,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, testifying that all things written concerning you were accomplished
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, commending your spirit into the hands of your Father,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, obedient even unto death,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, pierced with a lance,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, made a propiation for us,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, taken down from the Cross,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, laid in a sepulcher,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, rising gloriously from the dead,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, ascending into heaven,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, our Advocate with the Father,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, sending down the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, exalting your Mother,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, who shall come to judge the living and the dead,
Have mercy on us.
Be merciful,
spare us, O Lord.
Be merciful,
graciously hear us, O Lord.
From all evil,
deliver us, O Jesus.
From all sin,
deliver us, O Jesus.
From anger, hatred, and every evil will,
deliver us, O Jesus.
From war, famine, and pestilence,
deliver us, O Jesus.
From all dangers of mind and body,
deliver us, O Jesus.
From everlasting death,
deliver us, O Jesus.
Through your most pure conception,
deliver us, O Jesus.
Through your miraculous nativity,
deliver us, O Jesus.
Through your humble circumcision,
deliver us, O Jesus.
Through your baptism and fasting,
deliver us, O Jesus.
Through your labors and watchings,
deliver us, O Jesus.
Through your cruel scourging and crowning,
deliver us, O Jesus.
Through your thirst, and tears, and nakedness,
deliver us, O Jesus.
Through your precious death and Cross,
deliver us, O Jesus.
Through your glorious resurrection and ascension,
deliver us, O Jesus.
Through your sending forth the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete,
deliver us, O Jesus.
On the day of judgment, we sinners,
we beseech you, hear us.
That you would spare us,
we beseech you, hear us.
That you would pardon us,
we beseech you, hear us.
That you would bring us to true penance,
we beseech you, hear us.
That you would pour into our hearts the grace of the Holy Spirit,
we beseech you, hear us.
That you would defend and propagate your Church,
we beseech you, hear us.
That you would preserve and increase all societies assembled in your holy Name,
we beseech you, hear us.
That you would bestow upon us true peace, humility, and charity,
we beseech you, hear us.
That you would give us perseverance in grace and in your holy service,
we beseech you, hear us.
That you would deliver us from unclean thoughts, the temptations of the devil, and everlasting damnation,
we beseech you, hear us.
That you would unite us to the company of your Saints,
we beseech you, hear us.
That you would graciously hear us,
we beseech you, hear us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world;
spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world;
graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world;
have mercy on us.
Christ hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

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